District 7020 Governor 2022-2023

District 7020 Governor 2022-2023![]() District Governor Deborah Howell Rotarian Deborah was born in St. Thomas and has lived on St. Croix since 1983. She is a graduate of the Charlotte Amalie High School and University of the Virgin Islands. Prior to her assignment she has served as President of Rotary Club of St. Croix West, twice, Secretary, Foundation Chair, Director and member of various committees. Her strong sense of service and wide range of expertise allows her to assist the club capitalizing on unplanned opportunities. Deborah has functioned at the District level as Assistant Governor, District and Global Grants Chair, Attendance Chair, Conference Secretary and adjunct trainer for PETS. She is Rotary Leadership Institute trained. |
District 7020 Area Governor![]() Marcelle Fenton B.A. (Hons), FLMI, CLU, ChFC, MBA, LUTCF, FSCP, JP District 7020 Area Governor for Jamaica Southwest She is a fellow of the Life Management Institute (F.L.M. I), a Chartered Life Underwriter (C.L.U), a Chartered Financial Consultant (CH.F.C), a Financial Services Certified Professional (FSCP), a certified teacher of English and Mathematics, with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with language and literature from the University of the West Indies, as well as a Master’s in Business Administration from Nova South-eastern University. |
RI President's Message - July 2020
This does not seem like a time for great optimism, but it has to be. Long before Rotary was founded, the world dealt with great crises that tested humankind's ability to progress and endure. In the age of Rotary, the world has faced many more catastrophes; however, we have survived, and every step of the way, Rotary has helped the world heal. Every great challenge is an opportunity for renewal and growth. I revealed the theme of Rotary Opens Opportunities at the International Assembly in San Diego just as the COVID-19 crisis was beginning, but these are words that I have believed for many years. Rotary is not just a club that you join; it is an invitation to endless opportunities. We believe in creating opportunities for others and for ourselves. We believe that our acts of service, large and small, generate opportunities for people who need our help, and that Rotary opens opportunities for us to live a richer, more meaningful life, with friends around the world, based on our core values. |
Sanitize vs. Disinfect: What’s the Difference?Knowledge is important when it comes to cleaningWhat does cleaning really mean? Even if you're well-versed in these cleaning mistakes that can backfire, you might struggle with the answer. When looking at cleaning products, have you ever used the words "sanitize" and "disinfect" interchangeably? Because they actually mean very different things. Here's what you need to know about these terms that aren't, in fact, interchangeable. |
YAM; KING OF CROPS![]() The starchy tubers can weigh up to 70kg(150Lbs). An estimated 60million Africans eat yams daily
ROTARY'S GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND CORPORATE PARTNERSHIPThese principles have been developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the action we take in the world.
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
THE FOUR-WAY TESTThe Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
AVENUES OF SERVICEWe channel our commitment to service at home and abroad through five Avenues of Service, which are the foundation of club activity.
For the last eleven (11) years Juici Patties has been promoting the “Spirit of Volunteerism” through their Youth Leadership Workshop which is held in July of each year. The workshop targets fourth and fifth form high school students from across the island. To date, they have hosted students from several schools in the parishes of Manchester, St. Elizabeth, Clarendon, St. Catherine, and Kingston and St. Andrew.
The five (5) day workshop covers topics relating to effective leadership, team building, communication skills, conflict resolution, responsible sexual behavior, and decision making. A part of the project engages students in opportunities to work with the less fortunate at children’s home and golden age homes.
The main aim of this workshop is to help sharpen the leadership and social skills of the participants. With emphasis to motivate and empower them to contribute to the development of others and by extension the country.
For this year (2015) approximately 120 students from 29 schools, were in attendance at the workshop. The presenters included Mr. Jukie Chin- CEO, Juici Patties; Dr. Leachim Semaj- CEO, Job Bank; Ms. Winsome Wilkins – CEO, Council of Voluntary Social Services, and Ms. Hope McNish, a Human Resource Development Professional. We also had presentations from The National Council on Drug Abuse, The Rotary Club of Mandeville, The Jamaica Red Cross, and The James and Friends Education Programme,
The workshop activities included visits (2 days each) to the infirmaries in Manchester, Clarendon, and St. Catherine. At the infirmaries the students engaged in various activities including playing games, grooming, and feeding of the residents.
The Mandeville Rotary Club, was represented by Vocational Service Director Faithline, PE David and Club Administrator Patrick. Rotary's guiding principle was the basis of the presentation, and each school was presented with a 4-WAY-TEST certificate.
THE FOUR-WAY TESTA few years ago, John W. Dean III, White House counsel under U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, addressed the District 5670 (Kansas, USA) Conference. The subject of his talk was "Watergate, War, and The Four-Way Test." He concluded his remarks with this declaration:
Quote for the week"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader" - John Quincy Adams
Assistant Governor Elect: Jamaica South West |
Mark Your Calendars!
37th Annual Rotary District 7020 PETS,Conference and Assembly:April 4-9,2011
St. Thomas US Virgin Islands
"In the promotion of understanding,
Quote of the Week: Arch C. Klumph
The Rotary Foundation, is not to build monuments of brick and stone.
The circumstances amid which you live determine your reputation;
The truth you believe determines your character. Reputation is what you are supposed to be; Character is what you are. |
A woman went to her doctor for a follow-up visit after the doctor had prescribed testosterone (a male hormone) for her. She was a little worried about some of the side effects she was experiencing. |
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? |
Davis Project for Peace Assists Hanbury Home![]() As Adnan and I began looking for a worthy cause, I happened to attend a lecture at Howard organized by Dr. Grace Virtue. She spoke movingly of the need for individuals to reach out in any manner we are capable of, no matter how small. I met with her to discuss her work and the Davis Peace Project opportunity. She encouraged me to develop a project and suggested Hanbury Home as a worthy beneficiary.
BANNERETTE![]() JAMAICA gained independence from Britain in 1962 and raised its black, green and gold flag.
SUCCESS IN EREY![]() When you make your club's Every Rotarian, Every Year program a success, you help change the world. All money raised through EREY goes to the Annual Programs Fund , which supports The Rotary Foundation's humanitarian and educational programs. This includes humanitarian grants that Rotarians use for projects such as literacy classes, mosquito nets, and clean water.
Rotary Club Gives to Hospital![]() The Rotary Club of Mandeville on Tuesday, July 28, presented medical equipment worth over US$5000 ($450,000.00 JA) to the Mandeville Regional Hospital during their weekly luncheon meeting at the Golf View Hotel in Mandeville.
ROTARY CENTRES HISTORY![]() A Goal of World Peace, Goodwill, and Understanding
Mandeville Peace and Conflict Studies Scholar Report![]() INTRODUCTION: The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International in the quest to offer "Service Above Self" and to build World Peace have reached out to a tiny dot on the World map-Jamaica, giving me a great opportunity to participate in one of their educational programs-The Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies at the Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok-Thailand. |
Mandeville RC, Ambassadorial Scholar "UPDATE'![]() After arriving in Liverpool on Sept 15, I met my host counselor; President of the Wallasey Club Dr. Shymal Mukherjee and was introduced to the Rotary Club of Wallasey. I then headed south; to Bournemouth to attend the RIBI Inbound seminar, where I represented Jamaica in Patois much to the pleasure of the Rotarians in particular, RIBI President Allan Jagger who asked for a repeat performance.
Mandeville and Naples RC Partnership![]() The Rotary Club of Naples in Florida, USA, has donated 23 state-of-the-art electric beds and five reclining chairs, all worth over J$9 million, to the Mandeville Regional Hospital. A ceremony to mark the official handing over of the supplies took place at the hospital Wednesday April 2nd, 2008. |
How Friendships Keep You Healthy![]() There is an actual, physical chunk of brain that runs your emotions called the limbic brain. You can trace its development back a hundred million years. You can see it on an MRI. Every second you spend with other people, your limbic brain is tuning in to them, being changed by their moods, and changing theirs in turn. It's a constant, life-affirming limbic dance. Experimental psychologists have known for decades that we share moods. If you don't believe me, just think of the people who make you feel better simply by walking into a room. These sorts of interactions feel so good (directly and unconsciously) that we would wither away without them. This is why you should never underrate the emotional side of your life. Women are better than men at keeping the limbic dance going by working to ensure that families stay connected as the years go by and by building lasting friendships and deep connections from the many different aspects of their lives. High school and college friends, friends from work, friends from raising children together, from neighborhood committees, from shared vacations -- sure, some of these bonds and friendships fall away as part of the natural cycle of growing and changing, but most women find new friendships to replace them. Women who don't find close friendships, who have trouble keeping up connections, need to make an effort to change those patterns. |
Red Wine Headaches![]() Here's a toast to the good tidings that the occasional glass of wine is something of a health drink. May your favorite Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, or Pinot Noir keep your heart strong, your HDL cholesterol high, and, possibly, your brain cells active and well connected! Alas, for some, that toast would be a preamble to a throbbing headache, especially if the wine is red. The red wine headache is a real-if poorly understood-phenomenon. The Sulfite Story Sulfites are possibly to blame. They are compounds that contain sulfur and a less-than-optimal number of oxygen atoms. Consequently, they "grab" oxygen before it can react with food and spoil it. In wine, sulfites also control bacteria that might otherwise digest the alcohol content, turning a $50 bottle into some very expensive vinegar. Some sulfites are created naturally during fermentation, as the yeast breaks down sugars in the grape juice into alcohol and carbon dioxide. But wine makers often add more as a preservative. Sulfites were once considered harmless, but in the 1980s, studies started to show that a small number of people (about 1%, according to the FDA) are sensitive to them. The FDA, therefore, prohibits the use of sulfites on fruit and vegetables intended to be eaten raw, so salad bars and your supermarket's produce section should be sulfite-free. Depending on their concentration levels and other factors, the sulfite compounds must be included in a food's list of ingredients. Most wines are emblazoned with a "contains sulfites" warning.
What's the Healthiest Oil to Cook With?![]() Relative to other oils, canola (made from the seeds of a yellow-flowered plant) and olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fats-the kind that help reduce "unhealthy" LDL cholesterol and boost "healthy" HDL cholesterol.
Sponsors |
Garfield B. Thomas (District 7020 Governor 1998-1999)![]()
Born in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, Garfield B. Thomas received his early education at Bethlehem Practising School, Malvern, and secondary education at Manchester School, Mandeville. He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture, earning the Canadian Governor General's Award for standing first in the graduating class, and a Master's Degree, from McGill University, Montreal. He worked with West Indies Sugar Company, Monymusk; was employed in Research and Development at Seagrams in Montreal, and at their Trelawny Estates in Jamaica; he was Field Manager at Seaforth Sugar & Rum, Serge Island, and Agricultural Manager at Alpart Farms Jamaica, where he implemented one of the most diverse agricultural programmes.
The Rotary Club of Mandeville, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kingston, was admitted into Rotary International on January 28, 1964, and received its Charter on April 25, 1964. This began a tradition of great fellowship and camaraderie among its members, which persists to this day, and exemplifying the Rotary Motto of "Service Above Self".
The Club has been actively involved in extending Rotary by sponsoring the Rotary Clubs of Christiana, Black River and May Pen. |